Scribing From the Well

Latest Blog Posts from Rebecca S. Krantz

Drop by drop/while Rome burns
I have been struggling with the question of how to spend my time during the lead-up to these mid-term elections. On the one hand, I decided this summer to cut back on a number of my activities, to focus...
Reclaiming / Re-In-Habiting Reading
A couple of years ago, a colleague gave me a book as a gift, and her note said something like, “You’re such a good writer, you must read a lot. Here’s a book that has inspired me, I hope you like it too.”...
Time Traveling the Artist's Way
Recently I did two “time travel” writing exercises from The Artists’ Way. First, I traveled to the future – to imagine myself at 80 years of age. I spent some time describing how I imagine I will be, if...
Christian McEwen On Creativity and Slowing Down
As part of the background reading for my “time novel,” I recently read World Enough & Time: On Creativity and Slowing Down, by Christian McEwen (Bauhan Publishing, 2011).  I am going to experiment...

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