Scribing From the Well

Latest Blog Posts from Rebecca S. Krantz

I'm singing in the shower
In early January, I began a profound excursion into a new part of my healing shame journey: reclaiming singing. Ever since I was a child, I have believed that I can’t “carry a tune.” In elementary school...
"Mother" Earth to Her Wayward Neotenous Teenager
I’ve been making more time to write, including “morning pages” from Julia Cameron’s The Artists Way. I’m practicing being open and seeing what comes. Not all of what comes...
on self-forgiveness and "centered accountability"
Thanks for your comments here and “offline,” folks, and to those of you who read without commenting! I will return now to my story of the healing shame process. The ultimate purpose of healing...
Interlude: primal therapy, catharsis, and the uses and abuses of skepticism
So before I continue my reflection on the healing shame process, I want to devote some attention to skepticism. My friend and regular blog reader Margaret’s comment on my last post is worthy of a reply....

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